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Bangalore be rechristened as Bengalooru ? |
We thank everyone for thier valuable feedback. This is just a platform to let know the world what you feel about the name change and not a Poll or a memorandum. Please restrain from making personal attacks. Please note that views/opinions would be published here only if contains the name, email ID and Place of the respondent. B R Deshpande from Bangalore writes " This is an absolutely useless exercise concieved by people who should rather be spending effort on improving the basic needs of the city. I am a blue-blooded kannadiga - i was born in Bangalore, so was my mother and her mother. In my mind and words my city is always called "Bengaluru". But i dont care what other people call it - if they want to call it Bangalore, I say that is fine. Also rebranding the city like this at such a critical juncture in its emergence as a global city will have a negative fallout. My opinion - DONT CHANGE THE SPELLING!! Bangalore/Bengaluru Forever!! Suparna Hemanth from Bangalore - "I would prefer to retain name Bangalore." H
N Mohan from Bangalore - I dont think that the change in name
is going to make any difference to the existing name Bangalore.
Outsiders will still call Bangalore as Bangalore and the kannadigas
any way call Bangalore as Bengaluru. It is the mindset of the outsiders
which has to change as they always protest whenever the govt tries
to do according to the wishes of the local people.
Sashi Krishna
from Caracas, Venezuela - "Initially I thought it was one
of those jokes floating around the net. But when it was published
in newspapers officially I realized it was not. The only summary
I can think of for this move is like trying to fix a slightly leaking
tap in the backyard when there is an elephant dead in the front
yard. There are so many more issues to deal with in Karnataka (or
any state for that matter in India) and our government is more interested
in changing its name! Will that mean that the potholes that get
rain clogged will automatically fix itself? Or will the public start
using the lane system while driving in chaotic traffic? Will there
be less corruption in the state or random digging of sidewalks for
unknown reasons?
I am a proud Bangalorean and a proud Kannadiga. This is my land and my root. But it hurts me to see such a public display of insanity on the government\'s part. Not only we are sending a wrong signal to the west by changing our name to a locally (and pre-Colonial I might add) relevant word, but also opening channels of miscommunication in the media. We never get tired of calling ourselves ˜Tech Central™ of India. A move like this will mean different things to different people and my best guess is none of them will help in the long run. When the world knows us now as a brand name of quality and consistency, this name changing move somehow does not make sense. If Kannadigas are really proud of our language and culture, then we need to show that by improving our infrastructure and making Karnataka a model state to live in all respects. When foreigners (read non Kannadigas) visit our state they should be pleasantly surprised by the cleanliness (read political, social, economic) that we provide. ˜What is in a name?™ someone once said. Apparently the way I see it - the shaping of the future of our state and quite possibly our nation. I still request our government to rethink this decision and focus on what really matters." B.N.Raju from Bangalore also prefers that the present name Bangalore be retained. Kiran Desai from Bengaluru writes " Of course. It has always been Bengaluru for us. Just cuz a few foreign tongued dumbos cannot spell it we made them comfortable initially. Its time to hit back. And a change in the name will not affect people who call it Bangalore, who will continue to call it so, the same way I call Bombay and Madras their maiden name even now." Malini Narisimhachar from Sydney Australia - For all Kannadigas wherever we are, it has always been and will always be Bengalooru. I don't understand what was the need for it it change now when our Bengaluru is known well internationally as Bangalore. When I first came to this country 9 years ago, no one every heard of Bangalore. Now with the great improvements on the IT sector our Bengaluru is a known place on the World Map. It is definetely not a good idea to force a name change now, that too at a point when the IT Multinationals are complaining about poor infrastructure facilities. Shantaram Bhonsle from Bangalore- I have lived in bangalore from past 20 years. Untill now, I have been calling it as Bengalooru. Atleast after 58 yrs of independence ,bengalooru will get its real name. Thanks to the govt. Mana
from Kansas City U S A
- Finally, atleast some good news! \"Better late than never\"
is the perfect sentence for this action from Karnataka government.
This should have been done long ago. Atleast right after the Madras
-> Chennai name change. So called \"Other Priorities\"
will be there for ever. Even if you wait for 500 years or 1000
years, it would be a never ending story. Obviously, it would be
a foolishness to wait on completing \"other priiorities\"
to make this name correction from Bangalore to Bengalooru. K D Reddy from Bangalore - Very Very good news. Although originally from Andhra Pradesh, I consider myself a Bangalorean and inturn a Kannadiga. This move was long due. I am very happy that they have finally agreed to change the name to \'namma Bengaluru\'. Its much more akin to Kannada. And what is this about \"other priorities\"!! Well they certainly need to be handled parallely. Name is and should no way be a bottlneck for handling other things. Calcutta, Madras and Bombay had other issues too, but that did not stop them from changing the names. Bengalur people should whole heartedly agree to such move. I don\'t know why they are being such a hypocrite, at one end they want their culture and Kannada preserved and on the other end, they want to maintain global standards! I am a proud bengalurian and a kannadiga and support this move completely. Amit Kango from Bangalore - I don\'t mind the change in the name from Bangalore to Bengaloor. As far as kannadigas have no problem with the change in name, why should we outsiders be worried. Susheel
Sandeep Murali from Bristol U.K. - Indeed,this is a welcome
change. There
is no point in arguing that there are several other issues to
be resolved rather than changing the name. Better late than never - Bengalooru rocks! Shiva
from Toronto Canada
- Rechristening of Bombay and Madras was a thing of pride for
those communities. Though it was convenient to use those city
names, nevertheless the Mumbai and Chennai are widely getting
used and recognised. I am in for rechristening \'Bangalore\' to
Bengalooru. At least in future couse we will stop listening to
englished pronounciation of our pride city. I think it will be
a welcoming change. Shashi Krishna from Caracas Venezuela further writes - I could not resist but pen a poem on this name changing trend. RENAMING
superstar once said in a Hindi movie somewhere, I
closed my eyes and wished upon a star, I
read and wrote about many a language, Will
calling you by another name make my love any less? You
have seen me succeed. You have seen me fail. The
entire land is missing sanity today, Your
love stands divided amongst your own kind, Your
daughters run amok with fear, The
power mongers sit tall and across you, What
shall I call you, my mother? Narayana Murthy from beMgaLuru - All those who support Bangalore, shows their SLAVE mentality n loyalty to Brits. Brits due to their accent problem mispronounced the name. Its an irony to see that our great people still accepts and supports. Well, most of the people who oppose this are outsiders, who migrated to bengaLuru for their bread n butter. Its high time for them to learn n respect the local culture rather poking their noses in each n every local issue. Goto, France or UK, mispronounce their names, they will correct straightaway. It makes absurd if you mispronounce. IT=BT Brand:- Common folks, dont relate everything to IT and show your goofism time n time again. BengaLuru didn\'t attract any IT companies because of its name nor that name has any NUMEROLOGICAL advantage. Infra Problems:- Real solution for this is to restrict the infulx and recruit more locals. Thats nothing do with this. dont mix lemons n organges. Outsiders :- Try to fit among us, else you are free to go back. Kiran Desai from Bengalur - I am no William Blake...but the poem here does not make any ounce of sense to me.... \"Will
calling you by another name make my love any less? D-uh....Will calling my mother by any name that is convenient, boil my blood? Yes it does!!! Preeti
Kurien from Bangalore - Hello all, Why are you people making
big fuss out of the name? Nagalakshmi Deepak from Bangalore - Bangalore should be renamed as Bengaluru Murthy from bengaLUru - Why shouldn\'t there be a name change to bengaLUru, first of all, I don\'t understand the necessity for this question. None of the outsiders residing in bengaLUru wants to talk kannaDa, atleast now let them start by calling \"bengaLuru\". When channaites or mumbaites wants their city to be called in their own language, why shouldn\'t we do it? We have already lost words like \"saaru and huLi\" to saambaar, if this continues, people have to scramble for kannaDa. Rajappa Yediyur from Namma Bengaluru - The points brought out by everyone are interesting and every one of them are right in some way or other. For all kanndigas Bengaluru has always been bengaluru and I have never heard any kannadiga calling it as Bangalore. I have travelled well and met several kannada people all over the world, attended several kannada association functions during my visits and never ever heard anyone use the word \"Bangalore\". So I dont agree that kannadigas outside karnataka or India have forgotten kannada. Kannadigas outside India are more passionate about the language and our culture. The question is whether it is required that we wish to be called by the World as \"Bengaluru\". I for one would love the name to be changed and want the World to call our city as Bengaluru, but as someone has said in these columns, Is it a good idea to change the name when politicians and IT businessmen are at logger heads over infrastructure, properties of IT companies etc and when many of them are threatening to leave Bengaluru ? I
also read that every city in Karnataka wants to change their names
to local names. Does it do any good to Karnataka or Bangalore
with the name change....this is what we have to think now. I again
reiterate that Bengaluru has always been Bengaluru to Kannadigas
and will always be. Nobody can force us to change that. Jai Karnataka. Kaushik from Bangalore - This is Kaushik. I am native of Gujarat but settled in Benglooru for years. I love Bengalooru people and Kannadigas so much for their hospitality. I am proud to call myself as Bengaloorian being in Bengalooru for so many years. I can say I am Kannadiga rather than Gujarati. In this globalization it is very much important for every Indian to protect their Indian identity. I am very much against outsiders who don\'t want to be called themselves as Kannadiga while in Karnataka. Tamilian while in Tamil Nadu, Gujarati while in Gujarat. If that is the case India will never retain it\'s identity. People start to spread their own views on local people and spoil the place. I am very much pleased to call Bengalooru not Bangalore. This should have been done long time ago, when Baroda got changed to Vadodara. Pradeep from Bangalore - We are doing a big mistake by making polls and asking people what is anybodys opinion. We are not hitting non kannadigas for stealing local jobs, for not learning kannada,and other non kannada activities. We are just naming our own place in our mother tongue,we will do it nobody can stop,why should any body bother about that. First of all why should non Kannadigas get involved in the poll who are always against kannada, karnataka and kannadigas. Non kannadigas are taking for a ride our friendship and cool temperament which is a kannadigas nature.The same hue and cry was not raised when Madras,bombay,trivandrum,calcutta became chennai,mumbai,tiruvantapura,kolkata.Kannadigas didnt even utter a word they thaught its local business and we shud respect the sentiments. What
has happned to Non Kannadigas in Karnataka remeber you are earning
here,eating our food,drinking kaveri water,you are staying with
kanandigas who are not hurting you.this the reward you give us
when we do some thing for our love towards our mother tongue. You are just cheating kannadigas ,tommorow you wil tell karnataka should not be there when you have no tolerance for such a smal lthing we are doing to celebrate our 50th years of unification. we
dont want IT,BT etc we want our self respect,please stop ur negative
thaghts and be tolerant with kannad sentiments... SHAME
from Bengalooru
- Ye we need to use the name Bengalooru. Thats what we use in
Karnataka. We should not get sticked on to what British pronounced. Radha
from Mandya - As far as the change of name is concerned, its
of no use... \" hesarinallenide andada heserene, mallige hoovanu kalliya hoovene, kampenu kadime aaguvude ? \"
its just like that. No matter wat the name is, that doesnt add
any new future to it.... only thing is some people might be happy
for the name has changed from stylish pronounciation to the yesters....
but then ofcourse in a way happy that we are trying to make everything
again to the yesters but that gives no such gains as far as i
feel.... USA
Kannadiga from SanFrancisco, USA - Its really sad to see the
low self esteem and extreme deparavity of Indians and Kannadigas
in particular. Have they already forgotten the nearly 200 years
of slavery under British? Haven\'t they still lost the deep inferiority
complex in them which translates into an extreme desire on their
part to convince others and themselves that they are advanced
and developed? Come on people Arise and Awake. Sunil Baindur from bangalore(bengaluru) - I dont have a problem with the change of name, but we must be proud of our city.Lt these stupid polititions spend all their black money on improving the city, like good roads,public transport,more efficient police protection to senior citizzines and public,electricity..etc..etc..etc. then do what ever you want about the name! Sharath from Bangalore - I agree and really happy for the decision to change the name. Forget bout the poor infrastructure and all those. Who all talking bout the infrastructure , first let them learn how to pronounce the names in KANNADA. Any how debate for the infrastructure and all is out of context here....why they are bringing all thos ein between. It\'ll be an endless fight....but rioght now lets move on with changing this old sad colonial name to Rich Kannada name. And it should be made Bengalooru and not Bengaluru! Suresh
from Bangalore - bengaluru is appropriate. Vasantha Kumar from Bengalooru - Bengalooru SHOULD be called as Bengalooru. Just because the english people couldnt spell it right they twisted the original name and called it Bangalore. Why do you want to follow that name ? Why cant a place be called the way it is named ? A place name should also reflect its nativity & culture. When Bombay can be renamed as Mumbai and Madras as Chennai, why cant a deformed Bangalore be called as Bengalooru ? B P Praveen from Bengaluru - I guess the Govt has taken a right step, I will be happy to call it as Bengaluru or Bengalooru insted Bangalore.I dont think there will be any problem by changing the Name(Really this is not a change of name ... Its a kannadasing the name as in kannada we call it as Bengaluru from past).In history we have seen many places like Beijing,Mumbai, Chennai etc which has changed the names & they have not faced any isuues. I am proud to say \"Bengaluru\" Prakash
NA From sullia, Dakshina kannada district working in bangalore
- Hi, there is nothing wrong in changing from Bangalore to Bengalooru.
Atleast outsider will try to pronounce kannada words L M Prasanna from Sagar (Shimoga)- Banglore should be renamed as \"BENGALOORU\" Manjunath from Bangalore - I support fully in change from Bangalore to Bengalooru. It is actually mispelt in English as Bangalore. I saw in many polls that 70% of the people dont want the name to be changed. But we have to know that we have just 30% kannadigas in Bangalore and hence 70% remaining are against it. I dont think that non-bangaloreans have the right to decide on the name. Its our city and to retain the heritage of namma bengalooru it should be renamed. Madhukar from BENGALURU - We want BENGALURU not Bangalore. All the kannada people wants to change the name of Bangalore to Bengaluru. Ramakrishna
from Bengaluru - Yes I would like to call Bangalore as Bengaluru Chandra
from Mysore - Changing name to bengaluru will not leed to
any problem, as we are changing just the spelling so little diffrence
in pronounciation will occur thats all. Moreover it is the dream
of Madhu from Bengalooru - Yes, of course we want Bangalore to be renamed as Bengalooru. Vinay
G S from Gubbi, Karnataka - we should look at the issue in
two ways. Looking it in to the first issue i think its not that necessary to change the name cos if we do so its needed to be changed every where in the world so its merely a waste of time and money. I think govt has \"n\" no. issues to look at rather than this.At last we(people)are the sufferers by paying back money in terms of taxes. They r giving examples of calcutta got changed kolkatta that does not mean that we must also follow the same. On the other hand ,yes being a kannadiga to retain our regional name to our capital city.Its pleasent to call our own bangalore as bengaluru cos its very to see kannada being spoken in our state itself.
At last i conclude by telling that i vote Vikas from Bengaluru - i dont think it would make much of a difference.. unless and until the mentality of people changes nothing is going to happen. but still our city\'s name will be taken up in a different way and the kannada accent adds that emotional touch and a sense of belonginness to it. so i am for the idea of rechristening our good old city. but still, we the people, have more responsiblity towards our culture. we should stop aping western style and culture so mindlessly. our tradition and culture is good and rich enough. freedom and tradition should co-exist and no compromise should be made on this front. i know there is no point in talking about this much.. anyhow i would like to congratulate the government for at least coming up with this idea. Srikanth
from Kolar - Its a good move from the government of Karnataka
to rename Bangalore to its original form \"Bengaluru\".But
government has to take more initiatives to make kannada more strong
in its own state.Being from kolar i know its situation over there
where its being dominated by other languages.But this should not
be an end and many more things must follow this to make kannada
more powerful and we hope our government make it true. Viswanath from Bengalooru - yes, we need to change the name to Bengalooru. As the name was changed by the dirty Britishers for their convenience. Now why should we continue the same, when we are comfortable and fond of our own culture and heritage. Sachin from Bangalore - Bengaluru would be fine and anyway we are calling \"Bengaluru\" from long time Pushparaj Naik from Sirsi Karnataka - As i have heard from the past one week, Karnataka government has taken initiative to rename Bangalore into Bangaluru.This is really a good move , since other cities got changed to their native style (Madras to Chennai, Bombay to Mumbai, Calcutta to Kolkota).We have seen that lot of arguments are going on this issues , most of them are in favor to the government decision and some people , who themself believes hi-fi peeps are strongly opposing changing of name to Bangaluru.Here we have to lookup one thing specially ,to change the name is not about just changing like other cities but its about sentiment and emotion of Kannadigas towards current \"Bangalore\" instead its the matter of dignity and glory.I have stayed in Banglore almost 7 years and i got to know that its Cosmo(Multi-langual) and most of them speak atleast 3 languages(may not be kannada) ,even some people know more then 3 languages.Bangalore never became part of Kannadiagas Sentiments or even the native Karnataka people.People here never say like \"Be Proud to be Kannadiga as ur in Bangalore\" instead , here be proud to be \"Tamilian , Mallu, Hindi, Telagu (Excluding Kannadigas)\".People from other states just making fun of Kannada and Karnataka (they are just outsourced here as IT outsourced here).Here the local media\'s are also Anti Kannada (Karnataka). As i never heard in Radio City good Kannada Songs, even the TOI more worst (Its pretty much interested to Conduct poll instead think about originality of some issues like Belgaum issue,Devegowda/Murthy,support Englsih in all area , suggesting to implement English in Government Sector).Unfortunatly the biggest threat is the Hi-Fi Bangalore Kannadigas.If we talk about Kannada development , they also make fun of it and say \" Whats there kannada Dude\",we cant expect anything from Bangalore towards Kannada development as long as we seriously not thinking about our proud \"Namma Bangaluru\".At last i would like to say to make honest contribution towards changing name of Bangalore (In case if ur Non-Kannadiga , you can also join with us(kanndigas) to achive this big initiative taken by Government). Radhakrishna from Kakinada - Bangalore should be named as \"Bengaluru\" only. When this is happening with other metros, why not to Bangalore sorry \"Bengaluru\". Local things (language, people etc) should have always have higher priorities. The Common Man from Mysore - hehe.. another futile bid by the ailing government to catch the attention of people. Idiotic... thats what i call it. Just by calling Bengaluru the vanishing culture of the city will not come back. I think the person who proposed this should do some work to help the city gain its lost glory instead of forcing the govt. to change the names of the city. Dharam...believe me u can\'t change the situation just by changing the name of the city. Do something to improve the city instead of nodding for all such idiotic stuff. Hail Mysore oops.. sorry just read now in paper Mysoooru.... (Webmaster : Mr. Common Man, while your point is well noted, we would have appreciated if you had disclosed your true identity. Opinions and views would have more strength and validity if the author is known.) B N Ramachandra from Basavanagudi, Bangalore - I don\'t agree if it is called as renaming. Bengaluru or Bengalooru is the correct one when it is transferred as it is from it\'s kannada writing to english. it is not renaming, it is correctrion of spelling. I always write & vote for bengaluru. Nagabhushana
from Sagar, Karnataka
- It is very nice to call Bengaluru... It makes people to pronounce
in Kannada. K
R Venkatesh from Kanakapura, Bangalore
- would like Bangalore to be renamed as \"Bengalooru\" Shashank for Bangalore : \"Bangalore\" is a world renouned place and even though it is quite english...it has made a great impact till date...According to me bengaluru is good for speaking in kannada as it is a very homish word - a feel of homliness while bangalore being typically english is good for the world to talk about.. Being born in bangalore, I feel we must retain the name \"Bangalore\" even though bengaluru is the actual name in history.. Dewakar from Bangalore: now dharam is gone..wonder if the new CM would like to give a \"new name\" to the city:) Y.V.Vikas from Knoxville, Tennessee USA : I was really surprised when I first heard the news that Bangalore is being changed to Bengaluru. Now what was the need for that? As in, being a Bangalorean all my life, we can call it Bengaluru with talking, but why make it official? The whole world watches out for Bangalore, and I feel the government should also stick to that name, atleast now that the govt. has changed. If indeed the name changes, I guess even the dictionaries have to change the word to \"Bengalured\"!! :) H Nijaguna Murthy from Bangalore : Founder Paleyagara Yelahanka Kempegowda named this city as Bendakaloru which later became Bengaloru and changed over the time to Bangalore.as it is stated in u r statement due to the influence of Britishers, the name got twisted. I prefer/like to call my city Bengaluru. This may bring back the glory and prevent the people from using our garden city\'s name in bad sense.let this become the starting point for cleaning up of my city. Jagannath from Bangalore: Totally useless - spend money and time to improve the disgraceful infrastructure instead.... Mithun Gowda from California, USA - I think the name should be Bangalore , since the whole world is getting to know bangalore as the cyber capital of india . why
should we name it some name which nobody other than an indian
will be able to pronounce. (instead supply arack (liquor) in the slums and get your votes like you always do ,I am sure thats one of best way to elect SSLC failed great leaders who will bring prosperity to India.) Please kindly leave the name BANGALORE alone ... Petrus Dale from Bangalore: Damn these blokes! Bangalore is a damn great name and this bengaluru is disgusting and base. I refuse to refer to it as bengaluru so help me GOD!! Politics and crap as such should be kept to the corridors and money making government systems. To make decisions like these are totally unwarranted and definitely not the desire of the populace of Bangalore ... please note I continue to refer to it as Bangalore. Bangalore is my city .. i am a citizen of karnataka .. I love my city and no one has the right to spoil its name in such a manner. Bangalore is known and respected for its contributions in terms of intelligent manpower and IT solutions. It is also the youth capital of South India. You want to fight for kannada? Make kannada more interesting, dont force it down our necks. Hindi is our national language but we get to choose to use kannada in the state, likewise we can choose whichever language we want to use in our own homes and cities. Keep kannada for the official purposes. I dont intend to teach my kids that language, if u think u can force them to learn think again. For official purposes .. I dont mind payin a bloke to type that script. Bengaluru indeed .. YUCKS!! What crap about baked beans etc ... you guyz go live in the ruins of srirangapatna .. historical oafs!! I have grown up in Bangalore and its part of my being ... I resent any fella just popping up and getting his cronies to change the name of our wonderful city. Bengaluru
.. thatz crap! Seshadri (place unknown, but does not seem to be from Namma Bengalooru reading his message) I AM PROUD TO BE A BENGALURIAN I AM A BENGALURIAN BECAUSE... - I do not honk needlessly. - I wait patiently at the trafic signal and move out only when green (not yellow). - I allow a reversing vehicle or a tuning vehicle to pass and not jack up or sneak through. - I allow fast vehicles to pass if they need a side. - I do not race or over take just for my ego trip. I believe that every one travels at the same average speed and would reach the destination around the same time, hence it is senseless to rush through. - I believe that it is stupidity and not heroic or macho to speed or Drink & drive. - I stop and allow people to cross on a zebra or even a jay walker (bless them) - I never jay walk... I use the zebra or the bridges and never run through the traffic. - I anticpate a turn and put my indicators ON much in advance. - I watch for side indicators and hand signs given out by my fellow road users, and respect their intention to turn..patiently waiting for them to do so. - I respect the right of way to ongoing traffic when joining a main road or a turn-about, waiting patiently for the right moment to join in. - I treat my fellow motorists/road users as my friend and not yell at them for their mistakes. - I follow lane disciple and not cut across lanes. - I do not sneak my two-wheeler through gaps and crevices, and never cut through across the road. - I do not piddle on walls or throw litter other than in trash bins - I leave the luggage trolly at the airport in its proper place and not just push it as I please. - I do not spit paan or throw cigeratte butts except in the spitoons and ash trays. - I do not smoke in public places and ask permission from persons sitting around if I could smoke. - I do not put my car stereo on full blast and pull down the windows. I believe that others need not hear what I listen to. - I do not tease or wink at women. I repect them and help them out, if they need. - I respect elders and help them cross roads..of course after seeking their permission. Elders do have pride and may not like unsolicited help. -
I do what I can to improve things around, and not just crib about. (Thanks
Mr. Seshadri, everyone would like to be a Benagalurian like you
and we wish to see such a disciplined Bangalore, oops Bengaluroo,....but
.......... The question remains.) Kiran Mallya from Bangalore - "Who care what these stupid good for nothing ugly, potbellied Netas think? I will continue to call it bangalore rather than that shitty alternative-BENGALURU!who is going to stop me/Right now the only GREAT CULTURE we have are pot holed roads, garbage, pollution, thuggery, etc" Kannada Baktha from Bengaluru - I just read a comment from one Kiran Mallya and my blood boils. Why do you pubish such comments in a Bangalore website. And for Kiran, if you dont like my Bengaluru or its name, better get out of my land before somebody kicks you out. It is because of people like you my Bengaluru has lost its charm. whether you like it or, you are living in Bengaluru..........Jai Bengaluru. Harsha from USA - Why are we even discussing this topic? kannadigas should do whatever that is needed to preserve kannada and maintain our identity. We dont have to ask anyone... Koolina Keli masale aritara???? Saurabh Dutta from Bangalore writes: Why we are using "India" after the the name of all the Indian companies, Foreign Deligations and dealings, and all other activities. Why not Bharat? We use the name Bharat only on our Indipendence Day and Republic Day celebrations. The name 'India' is getting a Brand name in this changing world as like as what 'Bangalore' is getting. We are not noly Bangaloreans we are Indian too. Then what about 'India'? I agree that there is vast historical background behind the name 'Bengalooru', but do you think that there is no history behind the name 'Bangalore'. Why we are comparing with Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata. Those are already established Metropolitan cities of India. But we have to go a long way to get them. We are running fast but you know it better how many years back we have started the run of our development. We still have lots of problems to solve. Why we are ont focusing on those rather than this. Guiness book has considered Rome as the past city and Bangalore as the future city of this millennium. And we should not miss this consideration. Its a challenge for all of us. USA is using the term Bangalored for the works outsourced to Bangalore. Are you sure that they will not use 'Bengaloored' after the changed name 'Bengalooru'. If you think they will not do then I have no word to comment. And again, would you have feel happy if they were using Puned, Surated, Simlad, Karachied Kathmandued, Bhutaned or any other name. We have feel to happy that they are not using '-ed' or 'd' at the behind of any other name. The works are coming to Bangalore and thats why the are using 'Bangalored'. Otherwise they would have used some other name. If you thik this as a reason of changing of name then you have to prepare now only to keep on changing the name in future. 'Bangalore' is getting a strong Brand world wide. It has to go a long way. Dont try to interrupt its journey. You can do whatever you want but after achieving its destination. If you can use the name 'Bharat' in your daily activities insteat of \'India\' then use 'Bengalooru'. Think smart think Global. A Proud Bangalorean.... Kaviraj Hiremath from Bijapur - It should be changed as \'Bengalooru\'. Naveen Chandran from Bangalore - Bangalore is my city..and her real name is Bangalooru then what the heck, call her that. Thats her real name from antiquity that got changed in the winds of time and change when we were ruled by foreign powers. So Bengalooru it is!
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